Song of the week ending 08, August 2008

Jaya jaga janani jagadeeshwari
Parthi puri parameshwari

Hail to you O Mother and controller of the entire world
Hail to you who is ultimate controller residing the town of body of all beings

Anantha koti brahmaanda naayaki
Dasha maha vidhyaa veda vilaasini
Buddhi pradaayini bhava bhaya haarini
Sarva shakthi parameshwari
Sarva shakthi bhuvaneshwari

O Mother who are the creator of the unlimited galaxies in the universe
You reside in the Vedas and as the dasha maha vidhya
You are bestower of intellect and remover of sorrow and ignorance
You are all-powerful ultimate controller
You are all-powerful mother of all beings

This song is set in the Raga Abheri. It is a simple song which praises Devi as Nirguna Brahman and as creator-protector-destroyer of the world. The song has been recorded in my voice which can be found here. Please bear the noise, disturbance and awful singing as am not a singer.

AMMA's bhajan song

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